Tuesday, October 26, 2010

GOT JUJU?: Biting Spirit

In Hawaii the late Mary Kawena Pukui, one of the leaders in documenting Hawaiian culture from ancient times, writes on this subject---"Nahu [bite] akua [spirit]---a bruise believed to be a bite inflicted by the spirit of a living member of the family. The bite was thought to foretell the death, not of the one so bruised, but of the relative whose spirit made the bruise..." Nana I Ke Kumu (Look to the Source), p.156

Note: In the late 1990's this writer was told by a former Hawaiian co-worker, that as child she was bitten by an unseen force near a tree in some one's yard.

JUJU: "An object of any kind superstitiously venerated by West African native tribes, and used as a charm, amulet, or means of protection; a fetish. Also the supernatural or magical power attributed to such objects, or the system of observances connected therewith; also a ban or interdiction effected by means of such an object (corresponding to the Polynesian taboo)." --- Oxford English Dictionary. (1971). Oxford University Press.