Tuesday, September 14, 2010

LONE GUNMEN: Who Killed President Kennedy?

AS I WAS TOLD: In a conversation with an individual in the mid-1990's, somehow the Kennedy assassination came up. This individual stated that as a teenager, he worked for Jack Ruby's wife in some sort of telephone "boiler room" scam operation. She told him that Kennedy was killed by "the Cubans [failed Bay of Pigs] and the mob [Robert Kennedy putting too much pressure on them]."
Update:  11/21/10 "Temple F. Bowley's life changed forever when he came upon a Dallas plice office lying dead in the city's Oak Cliff section on Nov. 22, 1963...J.D. Tippit was the dead office. His killer was Lee Harvey Oswald...[Bowley] used the police radio to report the shooting. Officers poured into Oak Cliff and quickly arrested Oswald at the Texas Theatre." ---Scott K. Parks, Dallas Morning News, 11/21/10

Bowley worked as a doorman at Jack Ruby's night club in the 1950s.

"But ever since Nov. 22, 1963, he has worrried that the connection somehow might cast suspicion on him."---Scott K. Parks, Dallas Morning News, 11/21/10

More on the "fall guy'/"patsy" Lee Harvey Oswald

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